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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

#7 - Why Motivation Programs Fail . . .

Okay . . . time for me to be honest!  What Bob Oros says in this next article is SO TRUE!!!  Because I do spend hours and hours and hours reading others blogs or websites, search the internet for what I think will bring me my success and give me more motivation, I read what others post on FB and Twitter just to see if somebody has the "next best tip" for me. 

Has that earned me the success that I'm looking for?  NO! 

Has it given me the motivation I need?  Well, sort of!

I need to STOP reading and start putting some of these things into ACTION!! 

Happy Selling!

 Karen Whitney

Day #7 of Bob Oros "Dominate your Market"

Why Motivation Programs Fail

by Bob Oros
Do you have a good education? Do you know more about your products than anybody? Have you read every book you can find on selling? Do you listen to motivational CDs while driving? Do you read all the trade journals? Do you attend seminars and take pages of notes? Do you ask successful sales people for advice?

If you do - IT DOESN'T MATTER! That's right!

You may be fooling yourself and maybe some of your colleagues into thinking you are really going places. But it doesn't really matter. I am going to tell you to do something that is going to shock your system.

Take all your motivational CDs and burn them!

Take your library of selling books to the dump!

Take your list of big impressive goals and tear it up!

Why would I give you that kind of advice? Because I am trying to help you. I want you to be more successful. You see, in sales, none of those things really make much difference. Here is what I mean.

Read this next paragraph carefully.

...You can have a great amount of knowledge all types of positive thinking books
...listen to motivation and self help CDs
...write down big impressive goals and plans
...and be no farther ahead than a year ago
...unless you apply what you know!


I am not saying that it is not a great accomplishment to have a degree or it is not important to listen to motivation CDs. I mean that many folks fail in sales because they don't apply what they learn. They never use the information to for their personal motivation.

Once you start to DO the things necessary for success you will find that you have what it takes. You will never know where you need to improve until you put yourself in front of the buyer and let him or her tell you the reasons they are not going to buy. You will then have experience. You will then have specific information to work on. You will then be able to put together a plan of attack based on actual feedback.

Take it from someone who does all those things. And it doesn't make me an additional dime. Unless I take one specific skill or strategy at a time and APPLY IT!

Knowledge is not the answer.

The answer to personal motivation is...

APPLICATION of specific knowledge. 


If you read something that you remember reading in the past, ask yourself this:

Did I apply it - or did I just read it?

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